
El futbol club de les feres 2 (Die Wilden Kerle 2)

Comèdia, Esports, Família
DURADA: 95 minuts. - MIDA: 1.00 GB

PAÍS: Alemanya PRODUCCIÓ: Buena Vista International DIRECCIÓ: Joachim Masannek GUIÓ: Joachim Masannek REPARTIMENT: Jim Ochsenknecht, Sarah Kim Gries, Nick Romeo Reinmann, Wilson Ochsenknecht, Leon Wessel-Masannek, Raban Bieling

CLASSIFICACIÓ: Recomanada per tots els públics

The Wild Bunch junior soccer team wants to play against the national team, but rules stipulate they can't unless their playing field can provide emergency exits, bathroom facilities, dressing rooms, grand stand seating and security for handling hooligans. Leon leads the team to Maxi's father's bank to negotiate the $5000 deal for these improvements. Per the deal they strike, if the Wild Bunch loses in the qualifying game, they agree to dissolve their gang, surrender their playing field, and become Christmas ornament craftsmen; but, if they win, Maxi's father must join the WIld Bunch and attend all their games. The real worry starts, though, when ace player Vanessa is subsequently lured away by personal attentions from the silky, dreadlocks-adorned leader of a rival skateboarding gang.
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DVB+DVD El futbol club de les feres 2 Català-Alemany 2005 2016-01-25 01:36:15

Última actualització Thursday 28th of June 2018 01:03:32 AM.